Abstract submission
Please make sure that you have registered before you submitt an abstract. Abstracts without registration will not be accepted!
The contribution of oral or poster presentations is encouraged. Please indicate oral/poster. As we cannot guarantee that there is sufficient time for every oral presentation, we may move some of these presentations to the poster sessions.
All participants interested in presenting a scientific contribution are kindly requested to submit an abstract in English in plain text (text file, word file) to the following address: biodiversityevolution2010@gmail.com
Abstract format
• The text cannot exceed 1300 characters, excluding space, title, and authors
• No tables, no graphics are allowed
• No literature cited
Please select one of the following topics (number):
1 Apomictic plants
2 Biology of Invasions
3 Bryophytes
4 Evolution and climate change
5 Genome evolution
6 Inflorescence shaping
7 Morphology & function of flowers
8 Palynology (workshop)*
9 Polyploidy
* Contributions to any "pollen data bases" are especially welcome.
Deadline abstract submission 15 August 2010
Oral presentations are in Power Point (20 min. incl. discussion)
Poster dimensions: A0 (119 x 84 cm)